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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust


Did you know that 6 Apollo missions landed on the Moon? The first was Apollo 11 in 1969. The last was Apollo 17 in 1972.

All 6 missions landed on the part of the Moon that faces the Earth. This means you can use the Liverpool Telescope to spot all 6 landing sites!

Even the Liverpool Telescope is not powerful enough to show you the equipment left behind on the Moon, but you will be able to see the features and sites the astronauts explored during their missions.

By the end of this activity you will:

  • Know more about the Apollo missions
  • Know how to use the Liverpool Telescope to observe a chosen part of the Moon
  • Know how to open and view the data the telescope collected


To complete this activity you will need: 

  • To log into your account
  • A copy of the worksheet - use this to record your observations
  • To know how to make observations (Not sure how? Get started)
  • To know how to open, scale, and save observations (Not sure how? Get started​)


IT Equipment

  • Access to the internet
  • Software that can view astronomical data files

A telescope pointed at the full Moon. There is a USA flag and a target icon in the top right part of the Moon.
This work by The Schools' Observatory is licensed under All rights reserved