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in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust


Short Intro Text

Since ancient times, people have known about some rocks that could attract iron. When these rocks were rubbed on other types of metal, they had the power to make them attractive too. These items could also push each other away, repelling each other.

This force of attraction and repulsion is called magnetism.


A dark grey and brow rock with a textured surface. On this, three metal nails are sticking to it.
This work by James St. John is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Lodestone, one of a  few minerals that are naturally magnetic.
Magnetic Poles

Ancient Chinese thinkers figured out that a magnetic needle in water would always move to the same position. It would line up from north to south. This discovery led to the invention of the compass, which has been used ever since to help people find their way. The reason this works is that the Earth itself is a giant magnet.

All magnets have north and south poles, just like the Earth. North and south poles (opposites) are attracted to each other, whereas like poles (north-north or south-south) push each other away.

Magnetic Field

Magnetism extends out beyond the magnetic object. This is called a magnetic field. The closer to the magnet, the stronger the force. 

When 2 of the same poles come close together, they don't even need to touch before they push away from each other. When 2 opposite poles come near each other, they can pull themselves together before they touch. 

Magnetic field lines show the shape of the field around different magnets. It flows out of one pole and into the other. 

A bar magnet on the left, one side in blue labelled "S" and the other side in red labelled "N". Black  curved lines flow between each side in the centre, and other black lines arc from either end. On the right of the image is a horseshoe magnet, one side in red, labelled "N", and the side in blue labelled "S". Black  curved lines flow between each side in the centre, and other black lines arc from either end.
This work by The Schools' Observatory is licensed under All rights reserved
Comparison of the magnetic fields around a bar magnet and a horseshoe magnet.


We can see this field with a bar magnet in the classroom using iron filings which line up with the field. 

An outline of a bar magnet with "N" at one side and "S" at the other. Lines arc in the centre to connect each side, and more lines come out of the end of each. These lines are black and appear fuzzy because they are made from iron filings.
This work by Newton Henry Black is licensed under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
Iron filings lining up along the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet.


 But it can also be seen at large distances, like around the Earth.

Earth in the middle with a small bar magnet in its centre, the side labelled "s" at the top and the side labelled "n" at the bottom. Black lines loop and connect either end, with more lines arcing out of the top and bottom of the earth. All have arrowheads pointing towards "s" and away from "n".
This work by Jiaminglimjm is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International



The magnetism of the Earth is stronger when you are in space. There is a region around the Earth which we call the magnetosphere. When particles from space arrive here, the magnetosphere protects the Earth, stopping them from hitting the surface.

Illustration showing part of the sun on the left and a small earth on the right against a black background. Horizontal lines in shades of pink and blue are shown across the image. Around the earth there are lines flowing out of it that form an oval on the left side and a stretched out oval on the right. There is a pink, fiery area on the Sun-side of the planet.
This work by NASA is licensed under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
An artist's impression of the shape of the magnetosphere surrounding the Earth. 

But sometimes particles get trapped and move down the magnetic field lines, which enter the Earth at the North and South pole. As they do this, they generate light which we see as the aurorae or northern and southern lights.

A view of earth from the international space station, part of which can be seen in the upper right of the image. A section of Earth can seen against a black background with stars visible. A green band of light is visible across the top of the Earth.
This work by NASA is licensed under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
Aurora as seen from the International Space Station.

Magnetism is connected to electricity. Electricity is the movement of charged particles from one place to another. The charged particles we use to create electricity in wires and electronics are called electrons. When we move charged particles, they create magnetism, each moving electron acting like a tiny magnet. 

In science, these forces come together into what is known as electromagnetism; all the light we see interacts using this force, just like in the aurorae.

Tree lines are visible across the lower part of the photo, black against a sky that is deep blue, pink, purple, and green as the aurora light up the sky.
This work by Kristian Pikner is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International


Not all materials are magnetic – they must have free electrons inside them. In the Earth, these moving electrons are in the molten metal found in the core. The flow of the molten metal creates the magnetosphere. 

The magnetic north and south poles of the Earth are not in the same place as the true north/south, which align with the rotation of the Earth. The magnetic poles can also move slowly over time as the molten metal in the core moves around.

Uses of Magnetism

We use magnets in everyday life – not just to stick things on the fridge door! 

They are used in powerful hospital scanners to help doctors find problems in patients' bodies. We use magnets at recycling centres to separate the different types of waste. They are used in the home to control electric motors, like vacuum cleaners and washing machines. 

One of the most impressive uses of magnets is in superfast trains, which hover above the ground using strong magnetic fields.