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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust


Maria Mitchell


Astronomer, Educator, Librarian

Year born


Research Areas

Comets, Solar Eclipse, Planets, Double Stars, Nebulae


Early Life

Maria was born in Nantucket, USA. Her family made sure that all 10 of their children were well-educated, the girls and the boys. Maria also read about lots of topics in the local library, where her mother worked. Her father was a teacher and his hobby was astronomy.

Agnes Clerke


Astronomer, Writer

Year born


Research Areas

History of Astronomy, Biographies, Spectroscopy 


Part of
Early Life

Agnes was born in Skibbereen, Ireland. She was schooled at home and spent lots of time studying the things her parents enjoyed. Subjects like music, maths, and science. Her father loved astronomy and had a small telescope. Agnes, her father, and her siblings used it to look at the night sky. They saw the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter.


Many people have changed the course of history. These people are often leaders or rulers, but many are scientists. Scientists have made sense of what we see in the night sky. Their work has revealed how our Universe works.

Part of

For example, Maria Mitchell. Maria was the first American woman to be paid to work as an astronomer. She discovered a comet in 1847 which was later known as "Miss Mitchell's Comet". Maria tried to increase the number of women who worked in astronomy. She also demanded that her pay should be the same as her male colleagues.